Dads Club Work Day 2

August 15, 2018 @ 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Briarmeadow Charter School
3601 Dunvale Rd Houston TX 77063
Andrew Brod and Mike Gray
(832) 244-1052

The Dads Club plans to work from 5:00 PM until Dark each work day. Do not worry if you can’t get there on time, just show up when you can. Please bring work gloves and relevant tools if you have them. To volunteer, please sign-up on so the Dads Club has an accurate headcount to plan each day’s projects.

Projects include:

1. Figure out a sound system for our stage/multipurpose room (we can talk about this at our happy hour on September 5th)

2. Paint or carpet the stairways to second floor (middle school)

3. Rehang the wall cushions

4. Front garden by nurses office.

5. Deck area by nurses area (ramp). Figure out how to make an outdoor eating area for 80 people

6. Clean up trash/fix school playground

We have set August 14,15, 21 & 22 for Dad’s Club Work Days.  Do not worry if you can’t get there on time, just show up what days and when you can. We need one individual that could volunteer to organize each day and coordinate supplies.  The club will pay for supplies.

If some of you have access to tools and know a bit  about construction, maybe you could volunteer to run a day and project?

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